

He's a regular unicorn just trying to make his way in this modern world. He cannot be tamed by virgins, his horn is probably filled with magic (but he never talks about it), and he spends an inordinate amount of time playing video games.

Fat Cat

Unicorn's best friend and roommate. He enjoys tuna, tucking in all his appendages to form a cat loaf, and various nerdy pursuits. His greatest regret in life is being born without opposable thumbs.

Long Cat

A good friend of Unicorn and Fat Cat he enjoys what most cats do: tuna, loose bits of string, and light naps. He often has trouble rounding corners due to his long shape. Some of his hobbies include knitting, leisurely hikes, and geocaching.  

Monocle Man

Exquisitely rich but devastatingly homely. Monocle Man enjoys the company of his good friends. He also revels in the potential bragging rights of knowing a unicorn.